
How much effort do I owe my fellow minimum wage employees?

Do you think it's unethical to do the least at work when your coworker is trying to do the most? For some background, i work a minimum wage service job. I took the job last year when I was desperate for money and all my other work dried up. I am looking for other work in my field at the moment and don’t plan to stay at my current job any longer than I need to. I work with a variety of people, most of whom are significantly younger than me. I work with one full-time employee who is angling for a raise and a higher position in the company. She is very ambitious, and I think her smarts and energy are wasted at our company. My question is, is it unethical to phone it in at work when she’s performing at such a high level? Like, I do all…

Do you think it's unethical to do the least at work when your coworker is trying to do the most?

For some background, i work a minimum wage service job. I took the job last year when I was desperate for money and all my other work dried up. I am looking for other work in my field at the moment and don’t plan to stay at my current job any longer than I need to.

I work with a variety of people, most of whom are significantly younger than me. I work with one full-time employee who is angling for a raise and a higher position in the company. She is very ambitious, and I think her smarts and energy are wasted at our company. My question is, is it unethical to phone it in at work when she’s performing at such a high level?

Like, I do all my tasks and I attend to customers but I never really do anything extra. She works full-time and is always working really hard trying to make everything run smoothly but I am usually in “idgaf” mode.

I feel like it's her choice to take on extra tasks for a minimum wage job but at the same time I do owe her some amount of effort to ensure she's not doing extra tasks because of me.

What do you guys think?

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