
How much is anyone actually worth?

I just got my first job and I'm kinda happy to have some steady income. Job offer is about $45k a year, unlimited vacation days, in a field I actually studied (I studied humanities and all my friends in my major are not working in anything remotely related to what we studied). I had a lot of friends tell me to negotiate a higher pay because I am “worth more”. While I do want to make more money (eventually). I have to wonder. How much are people actually worth? Everyone agrees that IT people, doctors, and engineers are valuable but then people argue about how engineers are overpaid, IT people are overpaid, doctors are fairly compensated, teachers are underpaid (no argument there). I was thinking that monetary value is such a weird way to assign “worth” to a person. I think I'm biased because everyone shits on humanities and art…

I just got my first job and I'm kinda happy to have some steady income. Job offer is about $45k a year, unlimited vacation days, in a field I actually studied (I studied humanities and all my friends in my major are not working in anything remotely related to what we studied). I had a lot of friends tell me to negotiate a higher pay because I am “worth more”. While I do want to make more money (eventually). I have to wonder. How much are people actually worth? Everyone agrees that IT people, doctors, and engineers are valuable but then people argue about how engineers are overpaid, IT people are overpaid, doctors are fairly compensated, teachers are underpaid (no argument there). I was thinking that monetary value is such a weird way to assign “worth” to a person. I think I'm biased because everyone shits on humanities and art related jobs when artists, museum coordinators, writers, etc. put in a lot of work into their craft. I don't think there's any monetary value that can be assigned to labor of any kind honestly. It just doesn't make sense to me.

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