
How much should I ask for as a manager of a small Connecticut business?

On Monday I talked to the gm he said how much would I want what would make me happy. Honestly I don’t know what I should ask for. I asked for $16.50 an hour as an assistant manager. On the phone interview he said they start at $16 an hour but he can work with 16.50. But his goal in a couple weeks is to have me as a store manager when I’m done training. It’s a kind of small ice cream shop business with multiple stores throughout the state. He was going to hire someone else but she was expecting $23 an hour which was too much he said. I’m not expecting $23 an hour. I want to make as much or more then McDonald’s/Taco Bell etc managers make. I believe shift leaders make $15 and the regular workers who are teenagers make $14 an hour(min wage). I know…

On Monday I talked to the gm he said how much would I want what would make me happy. Honestly I don’t know what I should ask for. I asked for $16.50 an hour as an assistant manager. On the phone interview he said they start at $16 an hour but he can work with 16.50. But his goal in a couple weeks is to have me as a store manager when I’m done training.

It’s a kind of small ice cream shop business with multiple stores throughout the state. He was going to hire someone else but she was expecting $23 an hour which was too much he said. I’m not expecting $23 an hour. I want to make as much or more then McDonald’s/Taco Bell etc managers make. I believe shift leaders make $15 and the regular workers who are teenagers make $14 an hour(min wage). I know wages vary state to state. I don’t want to ask the other assist managers what they make I just heard others asking questions to eachother last night which is how I found out some of their pay.

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