
How should I quit my job?

I work in a large retail chain with a mostly seasonal business. I started about 3 weeks ago and the season is winding down. So it’ll be mostly me (assistant manager) and my boss (general manager) all day everyday with little to no customers. I originally interviewed for the position at a different location and was offered the job at another store. This gm (late 50s?m) and i (25f) never met before my first day. so far he has made racist and sexist remarks mostly about customers as we see them approaching the store or after they leave. This past week he has begun to smell, maybe i’m just noticing it. every day he just smells sour. and for the big event pushing me to quit, yesterday, he unprompted told me he’s waiting for marriage to have sex with his current gf and he’s hesitant because she is “old and…

I work in a large retail chain with a mostly seasonal business. I started about 3 weeks ago and the season is winding down. So it’ll be mostly me (assistant manager) and my boss (general manager) all day everyday with little to no customers. I originally interviewed for the position at a different location and was offered the job at another store. This gm (late 50s?m) and i (25f) never met before my first day. so far he has made racist and sexist remarks mostly about customers as we see them approaching the store or after they leave. This past week he has begun to smell, maybe i’m just noticing it. every day he just smells sour. and for the big event pushing me to quit, yesterday, he unprompted told me he’s waiting for marriage to have sex with his current gf and he’s hesitant because she is “old and looks like a librarian” then he looks at me and says “well, you’re attractive”. Needless to say, i do not want to continue working with him or for this company (promised overtime in interview, denied in practice; shit hours; shit wages, promised bonuses in interview, find out they set crazy unrealistic quotas for said bonuses).

I’ve never been in this situation, my old boss and job (same industry) before i moved was amazing so I don’t know how to respond. do i tell the guy he sucks as i’m quitting or do i call the district manager after the fact. do i even say anything at all or just “this job isn’t for me”?

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