
How the hell are we supposed to get work done when we are in meetings all day talking about the work we are planning to get done?

I started a new job that I really like so far other than the fact that I’ve been in meetings all day every day so I barely have chunks of time to do work or eat. Most people there don’t take lunch breaks so it seems to go beyond the training period. It’s minor and it’s a problem at many corporations but it’s annoying to have meeting after meeting following up on the work you could have been completing if not for the excessive meetings. Every meeting every one says “I have to follow up with (x) on that” and it accomplishes nothing.

I started a new job that I really like so far other than the fact that I’ve been in meetings all day every day so I barely have chunks of time to do work or eat. Most people there don’t take lunch breaks so it seems to go beyond the training period.

It’s minor and it’s a problem at many corporations but it’s annoying to have meeting after meeting following up on the work you could have been completing if not for the excessive meetings. Every meeting every one says “I have to follow up with (x) on that” and it accomplishes nothing.

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