
How to best answer about past termination?

G’day, First post here. As the title suggests, I was terminated from my job last week. I plan on approaching my past employer through my union to ask if I can change the termination to a resignation. I already have three interviews in the coming week… so if my past employer refuses to allow me to resign on paper, how do I best answer if the question comes up about how or why I left my last role? I don’t want to flat out lie as one of my CV references is my last manager (wasn’t his choice to let me go). If this fits better in another sub please let me know, and happy to provide any further info if you think it’s relevant… ie reason for dismissal. Base in Australia if that changes anything.


First post here.
As the title suggests, I was terminated from my job last week. I plan on approaching my past employer through my union to ask if I can change the termination to a resignation.
I already have three interviews in the coming week… so if my past employer refuses to allow me to resign on paper, how do I best answer if the question comes up about how or why I left my last role?
I don’t want to flat out lie as one of my CV references is my last manager (wasn’t his choice to let me go).

If this fits better in another sub please let me know, and happy to provide any further info if you think it’s relevant… ie reason for dismissal.
Base in Australia if that changes anything.

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