
How to call in sick for a mental health day?

Hi everybody, I hope this post is OK as I’m quite emotional and tired at the moment. I work at a small supermarket on the checkout. I love my job most of the time however I don’t like the bosses as they’re just not the nicest people in general. I get along well with the ladies I work with but I’m not especially close with most of them. I struggle with depression/anxiety and I’m just feeling so burnt out and exhausted atm. I’ve been wanting to take a sick day every day this week but I’ve managed to push through and go to work due to knowing my coworkers will ask why I wasn’t at work (they mean it in a caring way but I’m not OK sharing my struggles with them) and also because I don’t want to be seen as incompetent in any shape or form even though…

Hi everybody,

I hope this post is OK as I’m quite emotional and tired at the moment.

I work at a small supermarket on the checkout. I love my job most of the time however I don’t like the bosses as they’re just not the nicest people in general. I get along well with the ladies I work with but I’m not especially close with most of them. I struggle with depression/anxiety and I’m just feeling so burnt out and exhausted atm. I’ve been wanting to take a sick day every day this week but I’ve managed to push through and go to work due to knowing my coworkers will ask why I wasn’t at work (they mean it in a caring way but I’m not OK sharing my struggles with them) and also because I don’t want to be seen as incompetent in any shape or form even though I’m a very reliable person at work.

But right now, I’ve just been sitting on the couch crying and I just can’t bear going to work tomorrow dealing with people. I made a stupid mistake tonight at work which I feel anxious about as my lovely supervisor very very kindly fixed it up. A customer somehow brought groceries and his payment didn’t go through but I didn’t realise until he had left the shop. I went looking for him in the car park but couldn’t find him and was very stressed as we have to pay for mistakes like this out of our own wages. (Yes, I know that’s illegal) It was only $21 but that’s still a lot when you’re on minimum wage however a supervisor very kindly fixed the mistake in a way that means I don’t have to pay for it but I’m worried her and I will get in trouble as what she did was voided his sale so management won’t know a payment went through.

Anyway, the main supervisor is away at the moment so I just need to send a text to another supervisor letting her know I won’t be at work tomorrow. Her and I get along well but I’m still very stressed over this as she always says she never takes sick days and brings up that I’ve had time off before due to heavy periods/tonsillitis. (9 days over the last 12 months) She’s also a bit over dramatic but means well.🤷‍️ I feel so guilty calling in sick and I know everybody will be wondering what’s wrong with me 🥺

Does this text sound OK?

“Hi Name. I’m really sorry but I’m feeling under the weather so am taking a sick day today. K could be interested in covering my shift as I know she wants more hours. Sorry 🤕”

I think tomorow I’ll phone the doctors and get an appointment to talk about my tiredness and fatigue and try spend the day doing things I love like cuddling my cat and baking

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