
How to cope with choosing the wrong job?

On mobile so i apologise for any weird formatting and any grammatical errors. A month ago i was on the fence between accepting offers between two job prospects. I applied to be an internal buyer for the first company was who i was leaning towards, as it was closer to my house and generally what I wanted to do. I applied to be a purchasing buyer for the the second company as a back up plan and to leverage myself in terms of salary offer. There was a lot of red flags that i saw during the final interview with this company, your typical “we’re a family company” type of deal, and the employee turnover rate was extremely high. My family convinced me to accept company #2 because it was more known and they offered the salary that I wanted . I don’t know why i listened to them as…

On mobile so i apologise for any weird formatting and any grammatical errors.

A month ago i was on the fence between accepting offers between two job prospects. I applied to be an internal buyer for the first company was who i was leaning towards, as it was closer to my house and generally what I wanted to do. I applied to be a purchasing buyer for the the second company as a back up plan and to leverage myself in terms of salary offer. There was a lot of red flags that i saw during the final interview with this company, your typical “we’re a family company” type of deal, and the employee turnover rate was extremely high.

My family convinced me to accept company #2 because it was more known and they offered the salary that I wanted . I don’t know why i listened to them as I really wanted to work for company #1.

One month in and i can’t stop thinking about how i wished i took the other offer. Well now i know the turnover rate is so high …Their work ethic is horrible and i am already doing two roles for the price of one. I understand the grass is always greener on the other side, but i can’t stop beating myself for putting myself into this situation.

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