
How to deal with a bad performance report at a day care?

I just got my three month progress report and the director told me the based on my performance I would be terminated but, since this is my first time working with kids in a day care setting and lack of training they were going to disregard my report and just see what happens in a month and have the main teacher train me more. I know this shouldn’t be upsetting but this feedback has gotten me stressed out on top of the fact that I’m paid $13 an hour full time, we lost 4 staff members one of which just worked here for 2 weeks and I’m stressed these past few days from this new job.

I just got my three month progress report and the director told me the based on my performance I would be terminated but, since this is my first time working with kids in a day care setting and lack of training they were going to disregard my report and just see what happens in a month and have the main teacher train me more.
I know this shouldn’t be upsetting but this feedback has gotten me stressed out on top of the fact that I’m paid $13 an hour full time, we lost 4 staff members one of which just worked here for 2 weeks and I’m stressed these past few days from this new job.

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