
How to deal with a terrible boss?

I work in a creative field, and my boss has zero training, zero credentials, terrible taste, no attention to detail, disappears for days at a time, dominates meetings with egotistical ramblings, cannot provide written instructions, only works by making you share your screen and telling you what to do/ write/ create…and thinks he is gods gift to the world. While I try to stay positive and role with the punches, it’s clear he is holding back the entire company by constantly screwing thing up and never meeting goals or deadlines. He constantly tries to run other departments to similar effect. The worse part is that the senior team can’t really see the issues with this person, which is even more shocking. Sorry to rant, just would love to hear some advice on how to survive this soul crushing boss, or similar terrible boss stories.

I work in a creative field, and my boss has zero training, zero credentials, terrible taste, no attention to detail, disappears for days at a time, dominates meetings with egotistical ramblings, cannot provide written instructions, only works by making you share your screen and telling you what to do/ write/ create…and thinks he is gods gift to the world.

While I try to stay positive and role with the punches, it’s clear he is holding back the entire company by constantly screwing thing up and never meeting goals or deadlines. He constantly tries to run other departments to similar effect. The worse part is that the senior team can’t really see the issues with this person, which is even more shocking.

Sorry to rant, just would love to hear some advice on how to survive this soul crushing boss, or similar terrible boss stories.

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