
How to do you deal with not taking work stress/problems home?

Hi guys, Lately I’ve been finding it really hard to not bring the stresses of work home with me. I find myself dwelling on things that have happened that day or stressing out about the following days workload knowing there is shitloads to be done and feeling the pressure. It doesn’t help that my boss adds to this pressure a lot as he expects perfection and of course nobody is perfect all of the time it’s just not realistic. I can do 1000 things really well but the 1 error is always scrutinised and I get a bollocking which I think is shit management in my opinion. They should offer help and guide you to be better not just reprimand constantly when you fuck up. Anyway what I’m really asking is, how do you all deal with leaving work at work mentally?

Hi guys,

Lately I’ve been finding it really hard to not bring the stresses of work home with me.

I find myself dwelling on things that have happened that day or stressing out about the following days workload knowing there is shitloads to be done and feeling the pressure.

It doesn’t help that my boss adds to this pressure a lot as he expects perfection and of course nobody is perfect all of the time it’s just not realistic. I can do 1000 things really well but the 1 error is always scrutinised and I get a bollocking which I think is shit management in my opinion. They should offer help and guide you to be better not just reprimand constantly when you fuck up.

Anyway what I’m really asking is, how do you all deal with leaving work at work mentally?

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