
How to find a job that doesn’t treat you terrible

As a browser of this community, reading others' stories has inspired and taught me to stick up for myself and not let jobs treat me like less of the human I am. I am noticing patterns and lack of solid leadership at my current job. I am not being treated fairly and my concerns are not taken seriously with my boss, ever. There's been some situations this week, and I'd like to share them here in hopes of getting some perspective and advice. On Thursday last week, I was scheduled to leave at 5. My boss wanted to leave early to celebrate his daughter's birthday. He said, “Will you stay until 6?” I agreed to stay the extra hour. My boss failed to mention the next person was scheduled to come in at 6:15. This person is also perpetually late and my boss chooses not to care or address that…

As a browser of this community, reading others' stories has inspired and taught me to stick up for myself and not let jobs treat me like less of the human I am.

I am noticing patterns and lack of solid leadership at my current job. I am not being treated fairly and my concerns are not taken seriously with my boss, ever.

There's been some situations this week, and I'd like to share them here in hopes of getting some perspective and advice.

On Thursday last week, I was scheduled to leave at 5. My boss wanted to leave early to celebrate his daughter's birthday. He said, “Will you stay until 6?” I agreed to stay the extra hour. My boss failed to mention the next person was scheduled to come in at 6:15. This person is also perpetually late and my boss chooses not to care or address that issue. Even still, I figured, it's only 15 minutes I will stay late.

As usual, she was late. I waited until 6:19 and I left. We were not busy, and I made sure the crew was comfortable with being there without me. She arrived around 6:30. I should've stayed, and have admitted fault there. What upset me about this situation was the lack of communicating on my manager's part. I also felt like he deliberately mislead me.

Today the exact same situation happened. Boss wanted to go home early because we were slow and had plenty of people. He looked at the schedule and told me the night shift manager would be there at 4:30. I was scheduled for 5 and I wouldn't have to stay later, so I agreed on this with him. The night shift manager was not scheduled until 5:30 so I ended up having to stay 30 minutes. I was and am quite mad and upset about this. In my anger I texted my boss. Here is the exchange:

  • Me: So why did you not tell me you were scheduled to 530 when Jen comes in? I'm supposed to leave at 5 and I'm not staying so figure it out. This is the second time this week. It's the fact that I was not informed that pisses me off.

  • Boss: You can not leave until the next manager shows up….You figure it out

  • Me: This is not my problem and I'm tired of you screwing me over. I'll stay until 530 but I would appreciate if this does not happen again. Communication needs to be better

  • Boss: Giving you more time is not screwing you over you get paid by the hour.. I can screw you over if you want, keep talking about a bs half hour and see

  • Me: Screwing me is not communicating. Screwing me is making me stay late without making it clear that it needs to be done. Screw me over if you want idc. But you're on some bullshit.

Of course, I told my his boss immediately and I believe this will be addressed. My concern is retaliation (cutting my hours) and how I should respond if this happens.

I will obviously be leaving this job asap, but I don't think immediately is possible for me right now. In the future I would of course like to be treated much better by future employers.

How do you guys find jobs that treat you well? Am I supposed to job hop until I get lucky and find a decent employer? Is this possibly in my fault in any way, for example could I have brought this on myself in any way? What are red flags I might have missed?

Edit: Formatting

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