
How to get rid of the fear of starting a new job – all these scary thoughts after one bad experience in my life of being used and fired before 3 months probation period

This job that I have, is just not paying my bills… took 3 sick days- which is unpaid at this company…ended up almost not making it for rent and had to take out $1,000 from my savings. So having this job is really not worth the risk in the long term with the rising cost of everything and the bosses made it clear that there wouldn't be a Raise anytime soon. Today -potentially receiving a job offer that pays $15k-18k with paid sick days and more room from growth. The Owner literally said to me that “we just come here and work… no talking at the cooler” lol which fits my personality as I am a hard worker and introvert that never liked small office fake talk. Fears- I had one horrible boss say that I need to talk more and gave me a “Body language” book and fired me…

This job that I have, is just not paying my bills… took 3 sick days- which is unpaid at this company…ended up almost not making it for rent and had to take out $1,000 from my savings. So having this job is really not worth the risk in the long term with the rising cost of everything and the bosses made it clear that there wouldn't be a Raise anytime soon.

Today -potentially receiving a job offer that pays $15k-18k with paid sick days and more room from growth. The Owner literally said to me that “we just come here and work… no talking at the cooler” lol which fits my personality as I am a hard worker and introvert that never liked small office fake talk.

Fears- I had one horrible boss say that I need to talk more and gave me a “Body language” book and fired me right before my probation period… she needed me temporarily (someone later confirmed this to me) and now because of that I have fear of starting a new job even if the pay is 40k more.

But now I am thinking this is really a workers market. Am I right? Even if I get lied to and fired there are plenty of other jobs.

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