
How to handle calling in sick during my two weeks notice?

Throwaway for privacy reasons. The final straw for me quitting is making me beg like a dog for time off for a regularly scheduled doctors appointment. They state there's no more unpaid leave available at all. I'm on hourly pay but they act like I'm on salary and stealing from the company when I take UNPAID time off. I'm putting my two weeks notice in soon and tired of bending over backwards to make my doctor's appointment and this job fit into my life. Health over job every day of the week. I'm thinking I'll call in sick a couple times during this two week notice and I'm going to get pulled into disciplinary meetings and I frankly don't care if they fire me. The negative to that is never being able to work for this company again and at this point I'm not sure I want to. People who've…

Throwaway for privacy reasons.

The final straw for me quitting is making me beg like a dog for time off for a regularly scheduled doctors appointment. They state there's no more unpaid leave available at all.

I'm on hourly pay but they act like I'm on salary and stealing from the company when I take UNPAID time off.

I'm putting my two weeks notice in soon and tired of bending over backwards to make my doctor's appointment and this job fit into my life.

Health over job every day of the week.

I'm thinking I'll call in sick a couple times during this two week notice and I'm going to get pulled into disciplinary meetings and I frankly don't care if they fire me. The negative to that is never being able to work for this company again and at this point I'm not sure I want to. People who've been at the company 10+ years are jumping off this sinking ship and if it's gotten bad enough for them to leave, I don't think I mind if this door closes.

The people pleaser in me is just terrified of getting pulled into meetings and lectured. I'm basically trying to figure out how to not care when I call out and those meetings happen.

I'm tired of asking for permission for UNPAID time off. I'm tired of letting them veto my time, at this point me telling you is a courtesy to you and nothing more.

I also feel bad because it is going to directly put more work onto my coworkers but that's also my bosses fault because even after months of my coworkers complaining and telling us to figure it out they refuse to assist with the division of labor.

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