
How to job hop without burning bridges?

Okay so idk if this is the place to ask this or not but I need some genuine feedback. I have a rather impressive resume with plenty of management history and what not (ooh what a mistake). But it means I'll get hired just about anywhere. In order to pay my bills I need to work but… only in the winter mo ths really. I live I a rather small area so there's not that many businesses to choose from and even less that I'm willing to work at. My question is if I apply to work somewhere (cashiering or a low level job) but I know I'll only be working there 4 months a year is it worth telling the company? Like if I want to return the following year how would I go about that? I don't want a serious job but if I quit every job I…

Okay so idk if this is the place to ask this or not but I need some genuine feedback. I have a rather impressive resume with plenty of management history and what not (ooh what a mistake). But it means I'll get hired just about anywhere. In order to pay my bills I need to work but… only in the winter mo ths really.

I live I a rather small area so there's not that many businesses to choose from and even less that I'm willing to work at. My question is if I apply to work somewhere (cashiering or a low level job) but I know I'll only be working there 4 months a year is it worth telling the company? Like if I want to return the following year how would I go about that?

I don't want a serious job but if I quit every job I have once a year I won't have anywhere left to work.

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