
How to leave a job when I have no contact information of my supervisors?

Started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and despite the pay being extremely reasonable and tempting, the job just isn't good for me. It's in a field that I not only have no interest in, but one that requires a ton of studying and learning on the side. I just do not have the interest to continue this job. It's also a very stressful environment for someone who's coming into it with no past experience. A couple of my co-workers even joked to me on my second day: “I'm surprised you came back!” Anyway. I want to quit. I was never given any contact info for my supervisors or managers. They wrote down my hours for the next few weeks on paper and gave it to me. Nothing more. The only contact I have is for the onboarding team, and I doubt they would be able to help…

Started a new job a couple of weeks ago, and despite the pay being extremely reasonable and tempting, the job just isn't good for me. It's in a field that I not only have no interest in, but one that requires a ton of studying and learning on the side. I just do not have the interest to continue this job. It's also a very stressful environment for someone who's coming into it with no past experience. A couple of my co-workers even joked to me on my second day: “I'm surprised you came back!”

Anyway. I want to quit. I was never given any contact info for my supervisors or managers. They wrote down my hours for the next few weeks on paper and gave it to me. Nothing more. The only contact I have is for the onboarding team, and I doubt they would be able to help with an issue such as this as they won't have the contact details for the managers of my store.

So what would you guys do? Could I just.. not show up? The managers have been very nice, helpful and welcoming to me so I'd feel bad if I just bailed on them without saying anything, but I don't know what else to do.

TLDR: Wanna leave my new job, but I don't have any contact details of my supervisors/manager. How should I go about it?

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