
How to leave a toxic boss in the real world

I've worked for my company for 3 years and there's only one other person who's been there longer than me. We had really rough tines and a LOT of turnover, but it got a lot better w a new director who came on board about 1.5 years ago. Things went well. We replaced all the staff that had left, the new people were great to work with, everyone had respect for one another, etc. A few months ago, the director started coming down hard on my manager. Seemingly overnight, the director started checking EVERYTHING we did and began micromanaging the shit out of us because a few minir mistakes had been made. So, my manager started coming down hard on us. But, here's the thing about micromanagement. When people are under a microscope, they have more mistakes. The micromanaging CAUSES more errors. But, people who do it think they have…

I've worked for my company for 3 years and there's only one other person who's been there longer than me. We had really rough tines and a LOT of turnover, but it got a lot better w a new director who came on board about 1.5 years ago.

Things went well. We replaced all the staff that had left, the new people were great to work with, everyone had respect for one another, etc.

A few months ago, the director started coming down hard on my manager. Seemingly overnight, the director started checking EVERYTHING we did and began micromanaging the shit out of us because a few minir mistakes had been made. So, my manager started coming down hard on us.

But, here's the thing about micromanagement. When people are under a microscope, they have more mistakes. The micromanaging CAUSES more errors. But, people who do it think they have to because look at how many mistakes they're now catching.

Things have gotten worse, and worse, and worse. I'm second guessing EVERYTHING I do, even though I'm an expert at my job. I'm making more mistakes, and the pressure is insane. I've talked to my boss several times, but nothing's getting better.

I've decided I can't work like this anymore and am looking for a new job. I talked w my therapist about everything that's been going on. Her suggestion was to let my boss know that I was looking for another job out of respect…


If anyone did that, their boss would just get pissed and fire them.

So, no, I will not be doing that. I will put in my 2 weeks when I find something else, and that's it.

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