
How to make my underpaying and overwhelming receptionist job more bearable?

I started working as a receptionist in a doctor's office. It's alright. The pay is low, but the hours are semi-flexible and my direct manager is pretty understanding and nice. The location of the office is different than what I signed up for, so I commute 30 minutes each way, which isn't too bad. I just hate how much I'm spending on gas. I keep getting more and more responsibilities added to the job with no financial benefit. I just kind of took this job to get out of my last job as fast as I could, and now I've been here for 4 months. I am on the fence about leaving because of how my resume looks at the moment. I know that job hopping is becoming more and more acceptable, but I'm just afraid that I've missed my chance by a few months for it to not look…

I started working as a receptionist in a doctor's office. It's alright. The pay is low, but the hours are semi-flexible and my direct manager is pretty understanding and nice. The location of the office is different than what I signed up for, so I commute 30 minutes each way, which isn't too bad. I just hate how much I'm spending on gas. I keep getting more and more responsibilities added to the job with no financial benefit.

I just kind of took this job to get out of my last job as fast as I could, and now I've been here for 4 months. I am on the fence about leaving because of how my resume looks at the moment. I know that job hopping is becoming more and more acceptable, but I'm just afraid that I've missed my chance by a few months for it to not look as bad(like 1 or 2 months during the trial period). None of my jobs have a consecutive year on them. The closest thing I have to a year is about 9 months and my cashiering job from college where I worked about 4 years on and off during breaks and COVID. Besides, it's my fault for just going with it when I was still hesitant about the job back then. I learned from this mistake and won't be making it in the future.

Another thing I have to consider is that I am also in school part-time and volunteer a little bit on the weekends. So I would need a job that has some flexibility but is steady enough for a consistent paycheck to pay said tuition. This job has good enough hours that give me time to do my school work with a consistent paycheck, even if the paycheck is low.

All in all, I guess that I'm just looking for more incentive to possibly stay for about a year or a year and a few months since I'm still on the fence about leaving. I just need something that will get me through my work days and make my days a little bit better

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