
How to pay workers well when starting a business?

My wife and I are considering opening a retail shop but we both work full time. This means hiring out about 60hrs/week. I’ve run the numbers and we can’t pay benefits. I’m want staff at $20/hr to start but honestly feel like I’m asking someone to commit to me and giving them very little back. I’m going to break even or make $10k at most so I can’t really pass much along. This doesn’t seem fair to the workers. What would you suggest?

My wife and I are considering opening a retail shop but we both work full time.
This means hiring out about 60hrs/week.

I’ve run the numbers and we can’t pay benefits. I’m want staff at $20/hr to start but honestly feel like I’m asking someone to commit to me and giving them very little back. I’m going to break even or make $10k at most so I can’t really pass much along.

This doesn’t seem fair to the workers. What would you suggest?

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