
How to professionally ask for a raise at work

Background context: I work at a hospital. I work an evening shift. We'll call my shift the CL tech. There is another shift with the same start/end time as my shift that operates in a different room of our department, we'll call them the IR tech. Management recently started a new protocol that affects the IR tech and adds more tasks to their job. The IR tech complained, so they took the new tasks and put most of them on MY shift, the CL shift. The CL shift has it's own area, own tasks, own to do list that is completely unassociated with the area, tasks, and to do list of the IR tech. However, now that the IR tech has complained about the new protocol and tasks, they've decided to take THEIR extra tasks and dump them on me. Then, my surrounding peers have the AUDACITY to complain to…

Background context: I work at a hospital. I work an evening shift. We'll call my shift the CL tech. There is another shift with the same start/end time as my shift that operates in a different room of our department, we'll call them the IR tech.

Management recently started a new protocol that affects the IR tech and adds more tasks to their job. The IR tech complained, so they took the new tasks and put most of them on MY shift, the CL shift. The CL shift has it's own area, own tasks, own to do list that is completely unassociated with the area, tasks, and to do list of the IR tech.

However, now that the IR tech has complained about the new protocol and tasks, they've decided to take THEIR extra tasks and dump them on me. Then, my surrounding peers have the AUDACITY to complain to management that I'm not getting my stuff done in a timely manner.

I've already been “talked to” about it once, but more is coming because I clearly expressed my displeasure with the new system.

How do I professionally ask for a raise?

I need, at a bare MINIMUM, either a second CL tech on my shift, or a raise. But I don't know how to ask for it because it will just sound like I'm crying about it (like the IR tech) or just trying to get out of disciplinary action.

Also: I know the IR tech got screwed by this too. I don't really care because it was Their idea to give their extra tasks to me instead.

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