
how to quit when the boss doesn’t want me too

On mobile sorry for the poor formatting. I've been working at this place for three years now and enjoyed it really up until last year, the previous bosses while not the best pretty much were absent and left us employees to do our thing (custodial/maintenance) the work is consistent and relatively laid back. Well last year we got a new boss who is quite nice as a person, but isn't boss material and likes to run the crew like a church (former pastor). Who's made a lot of changes over the year which resulted in all of the former crew leaving but me to look after the new employees. They lack communication and like to hire whoever without explaining it to the rest of us, like hiring his best friend to be his assistant which nobody agreed with and wanted the person who'd been there for 10 years to have…

On mobile sorry for the poor formatting.

I've been working at this place for three years now and enjoyed it really up until last year, the previous bosses while not the best pretty much were absent and left us employees to do our thing (custodial/maintenance) the work is consistent and relatively laid back.

Well last year we got a new boss who is quite nice as a person, but isn't boss material and likes to run the crew like a church (former pastor). Who's made a lot of changes over the year which resulted in all of the former crew leaving but me to look after the new employees.

They lack communication and like to hire whoever without explaining it to the rest of us, like hiring his best friend to be his assistant which nobody agreed with and wanted the person who'd been there for 10 years to have that position instead.

The night supervisor quit not too long ago (the 10 year veteran of the crew) and instead of talking to the others who'd been there for quite some time now hired one of the new employees who'd been there for two months (which really upset someone who'd been there for 19 years and thinks she should have gotten it.)

Well I'm thinking of quitting and don't know how to approach it as one: im autistic and struggle with confrontation and making people upset.

And Two: the boss has been kind to me and accommodating to my needs, so I don't want to be rude depsite his utter lack of communication on literally anything in terms of his crew. He's fought me as I've hinted at it and tried to offer me a dorm room (which I declined as they'd put me in the covid quarantine unit) and other things except pay increase (I make 15hr)

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