
How to Quit Without Burning it all Down?

I have been working at a construction/architectural firm for 3+ years. I started out as an office manager then got upgraded to staff accountant. Our hierarchy is basically this CEO — Partner (P) who has a 50% stake — General Manager (GM) — and then a management team consisting of a Project Manager (PM), Excellent Sales Manager (ESM) and Shitty Sales Manager (SSM) and me — and then our various sales reps and support staff. Things were running slow and smoothly, so I started attending graduate school at night. In the past 9 months, the following has happened: P decided to consolidate the Office Manager and Staff Accountant position, meaning I am handling both jobs. Our monthly volume has nearly tripled. Instead of one or two projects a month, sometimes we're sometimes doing 6-7 a month. I've been working roughly 70 hours a week since April. The only weekend I…

I have been working at a construction/architectural firm for 3+ years. I started out as an office manager then got upgraded to staff accountant. Our hierarchy is basically this CEO — Partner (P) who has a 50% stake — General Manager (GM) — and then a management team consisting of a Project Manager (PM), Excellent Sales Manager (ESM) and Shitty Sales Manager (SSM) and me — and then our various sales reps and support staff.

Things were running slow and smoothly, so I started attending graduate school at night. In the past 9 months, the following has happened:

  1. P decided to consolidate the Office Manager and Staff Accountant position, meaning I am handling both jobs.
  2. Our monthly volume has nearly tripled. Instead of one or two projects a month, sometimes we're sometimes doing 6-7 a month.

I've been working roughly 70 hours a week since April. The only weekend I had “off” is the Fourth of July, when my partner had surgery. GM started interviewing potential Office Managers in June to relieve some of the burden on me, but it went nowhere. GM finally came clean last week and admitted that P had no intention of letting him hire any of them and only did it so I wouldn't quit on the spot (his accountant at another branch quit with zero notice).

On top of the workload, ever since we promoted SSM our office has become a frat house. I get it's a male dominated industry but some of this shit is ridiculous. I was on the phone with a client while one rep kept screaming “SHOW YOUR TITTIES” within like 3 feet of me. There's food all over the break room and piss all over the shared bathroom floor. It's fine when ESM is in (an ex-drill seargant who has no time for that) but SSM and GM just laugh along and act like it's just what men do.

I'd been casually interviewing for other jobs but yesterday's slew of bad behavior (ESM was out of town for his mom's wedding) just pushed me over the edge. It just so happened that another job gave me an offer that has more pay, less work, and WFH options. I've obviously accepted.

The only drawback is that it starts next Wednesday. Leaving me with less than a week to resign.

The question is: how do I do this with an ounce of tact? My GM has made no effort to learn the functions of my job (he's an outside hire), meaning that accounting eill not be done until they can hire a replacement and have an accountant from another location train her. Any good ways of leaving besides “fuck you, I quit”

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