
How to respond to an exit survey after leaving a horrible job?

I finally left my company after being treated pretty horribly for over a year. I've been yelled at, degraded and was made to feel worthless at the job. I'm filling out an exit survey and was wondering how honest I should be in the survey? —- or debating if I should even answer it? For more background, this is a husband and wife consulting business with only 10 employees. The husband does the project managerial stuff while the wife does finances/HR. Your help is much appreciated

I finally left my company after being treated pretty horribly for over a year. I've been yelled at, degraded and was made to feel worthless at the job. I'm filling out an exit survey and was wondering how honest I should be in the survey? —- or debating if I should even answer it?

For more background, this is a husband and wife consulting business with only 10 employees. The husband does the project managerial stuff while the wife does finances/HR. Your help is much appreciated

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