
How to screw the elites

I was talking with some friends the other day about how to really screw over the corporate elites. We came to a conclusion, stop buying from them. Seriously! If everyone stopped buying from; Amazon, Walmart, Target, Disney, and cancelled all of their subscriptions for even 1 week, and shopped locally. You would see a MASSIVE exchange of wealth from the Elites to the common folk. Imagine for a moment, the millions, no, billions of dollars that we the common folk willingly hand over to the corporate conglomerates without a second thought? Think about it, in 2020 alone Amazons revenue was $386Billion! That’s $7.42 billion a week! If we were to stop buying from them and instead spend that money at local family owned businesses we would see EVERYONE, reap the benefits. It would take a everyone to be onboard though, and unfortunately I don’t think people are willing to do…

I was talking with some friends the other day about how to really screw over the corporate elites. We came to a conclusion, stop buying from them. Seriously! If everyone stopped buying from; Amazon, Walmart, Target, Disney, and cancelled all of their subscriptions for even 1 week, and shopped locally. You would see a MASSIVE exchange of wealth from the Elites to the common folk.

Imagine for a moment, the millions, no, billions of dollars that we the common folk willingly hand over to the corporate conglomerates without a second thought? Think about it, in 2020 alone Amazons revenue was $386Billion! That’s $7.42 billion a week! If we were to stop buying from them and instead spend that money at local family owned businesses we would see EVERYONE, reap the benefits. It would take a everyone to be onboard though, and unfortunately I don’t think people are willing to do it.

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