
How to stop meaningless work for everyone who doesn’t want to work.

The governments of the world need to make a food surplus and then teach an entire generation IT, programming, robotics, and engineering. Have this generation of around a billion or so lives as they work to cure all cancers, make armies of tractors that farm without human intervention (Solar Powered), make the perfect solar panel that doesn't die out, design the perfect mega-cities sized of Rhode Island, complete mega projects, start a UBI (universal basic income) the UBI would give you money to trade in government stores for food and other items, meaningless work would become something that is far forgotten, free healthcare, everything would be fixed, people would have time to form social bonds with others, spend time with kids, you could even drop taxes as all money eventually goes back into government stores and if you own land you keep it for your home, the government could have…

The governments of the world need to make a food surplus and then teach an entire generation IT, programming, robotics, and engineering. Have this generation of around a billion or so lives as they work to cure all cancers, make armies of tractors that farm without human intervention (Solar Powered), make the perfect solar panel that doesn't die out, design the perfect mega-cities sized of Rhode Island, complete mega projects, start a UBI (universal basic income) the UBI would give you money to trade in government stores for food and other items, meaningless work would become something that is far forgotten, free healthcare, everything would be fixed, people would have time to form social bonds with others, spend time with kids, you could even drop taxes as all money eventually goes back into government stores and if you own land you keep it for your home, the government could have free apartments to live in and build homes that people could buy from the government and they wouldn't stop building them to stop the housing crisis. This is possible, not with our governments and squabbles. China is already doing a few of these but they also kill thousands daily, we just need China without murder sort of Government. If something seems impossible or you want something added in this post then tell me in comment form.

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