
How to Support Friends Still Working for an Abusive Employer

For context, I worked for the American Red Cross for two and a half years as a Phlebotimist taking blood donations. I loved the work and I loved my coworkers, but the job was rough, especially during covid. It's well known inside the company that the Red Cross is a great humanitarian organization UNLESS you're one of their employees. As an employer, they are awful. Bad pay, insane hours, deliberate understaffing, shitty managers, the works. When I finally had a gut full, I quit at the same time I sent out a 3800 word email to everyone in the region blasting the company and how it treats its workers. HR made a big show of doing an “investigation,” bit, of course, nothing changed. Well, now the region I worked in is considering going on strike, because when the union came to the table to discuss a new contract, the company…

For context, I worked for the American Red Cross for two and a half years as a Phlebotimist taking blood donations. I loved the work and I loved my coworkers, but the job was rough, especially during covid. It's well known inside the company that the Red Cross is a great humanitarian organization UNLESS you're one of their employees. As an employer, they are awful. Bad pay, insane hours, deliberate understaffing, shitty managers, the works. When I finally had a gut full, I quit at the same time I sent out a 3800 word email to everyone in the region blasting the company and how it treats its workers. HR made a big show of doing an “investigation,” bit, of course, nothing changed.

Well, now the region I worked in is considering going on strike, because when the union came to the table to discuss a new contract, the company was super shitty and wanted to take away benefits and perks like they always do. I want to support my friends who are still with the company. I want them to strike and demand better. But I don't know what I could reasonably do.

Does anyone have any idea about how I could support my former coworkers in their fight to be treated decently? I no longer live in the same city and I don't have much money. I'm hoping someone who has been on the other side of such a situation can give me some advice.

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