
How to tell job you are going to work remotely after being in the office?

Long story short, I’ve been misclassified as an independent contractor in order to save money on a project I’m part of. They basically said I couldn’t do the job if I didn’t go from employee to independent. I’ve decided to just finish the contract and not look back. However, I’ve been slowly sucked into full office life after being promised flexible remote days. I hate it (the commute, office BS, waste of time when I don’t have anything to do) I want to go back to more remote days because I’m not doing anything in the office that I can’t do at home and my employer has always said they have no concerns about me being remote. I always get my work done. At this point it’s obvious that me being here is just an excuse to keep their lease and to micromanage me for their own egos. How do…

Long story short, I’ve been misclassified as an independent contractor in order to save money on a project I’m part of. They basically said I couldn’t do the job if I didn’t go from employee to independent. I’ve decided to just finish the contract and not look back.

However, I’ve been slowly sucked into full office life after being promised flexible remote days. I hate it (the commute, office BS, waste of time when I don’t have anything to do) I want to go back to more remote days because I’m not doing anything in the office that I can’t do at home and my employer has always said they have no concerns about me being remote. I always get my work done. At this point it’s obvious that me being here is just an excuse to keep their lease and to micromanage me for their own egos.

How do I tell them I’m going to be doing remote most of the time again and they can schedule in-office days with me when needed?

Thanks in advance!

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