
How would you spend your time?

Several years ago, I had a client in a situation where her wage was high enough that when they involuntarily reduced her to 24 hours a week, 3 work day, she was still making $80K. Personally, I think it's a dream. She treated it as a tragedy, and given her financial situation she was actually right (Brady Bunch sized family) but it's made me think about how we expect to overwork ourselves. How nice would the world be if we could all make a living on 3 days a week? And how would you spend your unstructured time? Would you rather work 5 half-days or 3 full days?

Several years ago, I had a client in a situation where her wage was high enough that when they involuntarily reduced her to 24 hours a week, 3 work day, she was still making $80K.

Personally, I think it's a dream. She treated it as a tragedy, and given her financial situation she was actually right (Brady Bunch sized family) but it's made me think about how we expect to overwork ourselves.

How nice would the world be if we could all make a living on 3 days a week? And how would you spend your unstructured time?

Would you rather work 5 half-days or 3 full days?

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