
How would your job be affected if it operated solely on a seniority-based system?

Just some shower thoughts I had after lurking in this sub for a few months. I work in the airline business in the US and got to pondering that a lot of the issues posted here could be remedied by the way our compensation and quality of life are driven by the length of time you have been employed by the company. It would also cause completely new issues. Here's my short list of pros and cons. How would it affect your workplace? Pros: Complete transparency of wages with time-based raises known company-wide. Promotions and quality of life improvements based on time. Having a visible goal, service years, as motivation. Cons: Giving up all seniority every time you make a career move. Chance of being stuck at the bottom when your industry is in the toilet. No merit-based promotions. This is the very watered-down version, but how would some of…

Just some shower thoughts I had after lurking in this sub for a few months. I work in the airline business in the US and got to pondering that a lot of the issues posted here could be remedied by the way our compensation and quality of life are driven by the length of time you have been employed by the company. It would also cause completely new issues. Here's my short list of pros and cons. How would it affect your workplace?


  • Complete transparency of wages with time-based raises known company-wide.
  • Promotions and quality of life improvements based on time.
  • Having a visible goal, service years, as motivation.


  • Giving up all seniority every time you make a career move.
  • Chance of being stuck at the bottom when your industry is in the toilet.
  • No merit-based promotions.

This is the very watered-down version, but how would some of these affect your work? On one hand, I have taken for granted the transparency and company-wide (actually, industry-wide) knowledge of what every worker is making. I've also had to face the fact that every positive career move I make begins with forfeiting all of my accrued seniority at my previous employer. I've been at both ends of the seniority spectrum, worked the grind that comes from being a new-hire and reaped the benefits of being in the top 15% of the list. Putting my flame suit on, let's hear your take.

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