
How your job is not so different from an abusive relationship.

This a blog entry I worked on I thought I would share it. Ways your job is not so different from an abusive relationship They infringe upon your free time, expecting you to at their beck and call every hour every day. 2,They ignore the well-being of employees in favor of profits. This includes purposely short staffing which leads to ever increasing work loads that leads to worker burnout which effects mental health/ By denying requests for Dr appointments they are saying that company profit is more important that employee physical health. 3.By asking employees to give more than 100% when that is not possible. You can not increase employee productivity like one does profits. The maximum a person can give is 100% By asking employees to take on tasks they were not hired for because they have purposely short staffed other departments. They do so by asking the employee…

This a blog entry I worked on I thought I would share it.

Ways your job is not so different from an abusive relationship

  1. They infringe upon your free time, expecting you to at their beck and call every hour every day.

2,They ignore the well-being of employees in favor of profits. This includes purposely short staffing which leads to ever increasing work loads that leads to worker burnout which effects mental health/ By denying requests for Dr appointments they are saying that company profit is more important that employee physical health.

3.By asking employees to give more than 100% when that is not possible. You can not increase employee productivity like one does profits. The maximum a person can give is 100%

  1. By asking employees to take on tasks they were not hired for because they have purposely short staffed other departments. They do so by asking the employee to go above and beyond while not compensating them for it or doing the same for the employee.

5.By not offering generous time off. Time away from work allows the employee to recharge.

  1. By placing unrealistic expectations on employees. Like wanting them to chose work over family.

7.Giving increasing amounts of work that can not be completed in a single shift. Fostering a system of favoritism among co-workers.

  1. Holding people to others standards in stead of fostering a system of each according to their unique ability.

  2. Being manipulative and shrewd. Often gas lighting employees or out right lying to them.

10.Trying to control all aspects of the employee from when they eat to when they go the bathroom. Not taking into consideration individual needs.

11.Asking that life be planned around the job, when life is far more important, jobs are a dime a dozen. Undermining employee morale and efforts to make the employee look bad/lazy.

  1. Not giving the tools or guidance to succeed

13.Changing policies/job descriptions/ without proper notification

  1. Taking and taking while giving very little (benefits packages come to mind)

15.making other feel obligated to serve their wants and needs while neglecting the needs of the other.

These are just a few ways that jobs are abusive that came to me. Actually my own job is guilty of pretty much every one. If you work at a job that has any of the above qualities you are being used and abused. So fight back. Like relationships, just complaining about it won't change anything, it takes direct action. Our ancestors matched and rioted for better working conditions while we just take to forums and air our grievances. The time to stand up is now. If you want better work environment, better compensation, better treatment rise up as one and demand it.

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