
HR at partners work wants details on family emergency???

Mobile- sorry for formatting Ok so a bit of background- my boyfriend got a wfh job that has three weeks of training. The day before training ended- they emailed him and told him he had missed more than the 20 hours allowed and he wasn’t able to move on and they’d be in touch with next steps. 8 of those hours missed- were because they didn’t put the apartment number on the equipment delivery and it didn’t get here on time. So he missed day one- which he later found out didn’t even matter training wise as there was a lot of tech issues so they didn’t cover anything til ray 2- which he attended. Another 8 hours- was because our building is under construction and they had to knock out our power for a day. Which he offered proof of and his trainer said it was fine and not…

Mobile- sorry for formatting

Ok so a bit of background- my boyfriend got a wfh job that has three weeks of training. The day before training ended- they emailed him and told him he had missed more than the 20 hours allowed and he wasn’t able to move on and they’d be in touch with next steps. 8 of those hours missed- were because they didn’t put the apartment number on the equipment delivery and it didn’t get here on time. So he missed day one- which he later found out didn’t even matter training wise as there was a lot of tech issues so they didn’t cover anything til ray 2- which he attended. Another 8 hours- was because our building is under construction and they had to knock out our power for a day. Which he offered proof of and his trainer said it was fine and not to worry. The other 5 hours was a half day he took for mental health. I would like to add that he completed AND PASSED all required exams during training. They told him he couldn’t continue anyways the day before training ended lol.

So then they reach out and say he can do training allll over again in three weeks. Well, he ended up missing 16 hours- 8 which was for another building shut off- again was told it was fine. The other 8 were two half days he took due to me. My grandmother is sick with pancreatic cancer and some stuff happened and he took a half day both times to help with me. She is now in hospice. They told him he had missed too much even though he hadn’t missed 20+ that they stated beforehand. Again- he had taken and passed all required exams up til this point. We thought it’d be ok because it was under the 20 hours.

He sent a pretty passive aggressive email about their lack of communication and their contradictions(as his trainer had mentioned they’d get a warning beforehand but he never did). HR responded asking for the reasons for missed time this round of training. When he informed them of the building shut off and a family emergency regarding a family member in hospice- they replied with condolences and a request for who the family member is and details of the emergency. No addressing his statements of their contradictions or why this is happening when he’s under the 20 hours.

Given how they’re treating this I doubt they’re going to accept “girlfriends grandmother” as acceptable but I don’t even see why they need that info. He wants to tell them it’s none of their business but he needs wfh for health reasons and it took months to land this one.

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