
HR at potential new employer wasted an hour of my time

A company known in my field reached out based on a referral from a mutual acquaintance, who thought they would benefit from talking to me about a new position. I spent half an hour talking to the hiring manager about the company and the position. He told me next steps was some HR screening. HR called and asked a number of questions. They asked about my salary expectations, and I gave them a range, “depending on the total package, yadda yadda yadda.” He said that was fine, and would I be available for an hour long formal interview with the hiring manager again. Sure, no problem. I clear space in my schedule and have the interview. Hiring manager and I chatted for about 10 minutes, and then he said he had the notes from HR about my desired salary and “hopes there was a typo”. Excuse me? I reiterated my…

A company known in my field reached out based on a referral from a mutual acquaintance, who thought they would benefit from talking to me about a new position. I spent half an hour talking to the hiring manager about the company and the position.

He told me next steps was some HR screening. HR called and asked a number of questions. They asked about my salary expectations, and I gave them a range, “depending on the total package, yadda yadda yadda.” He said that was fine, and would I be available for an hour long formal interview with the hiring manager again.

Sure, no problem. I clear space in my schedule and have the interview. Hiring manager and I chatted for about 10 minutes, and then he said he had the notes from HR about my desired salary and “hopes there was a typo”.

Excuse me?

I reiterated my salary requirements, and he was like “Yeah, not even our senior executives make that much. Someone in your position might make half that.”

We decided mutually to end the interview, because there was no point in continuing.

My anger is at HR – why in the hell did they waste my time scheduling a formal hour long interview when we were miles apart on compensation? I’m seriously pissed, and feel so disrespected.

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