
HR blames us for toxic workplace

An all shift meeting with hr at work because they “heard” someone called the place toxic. Started off with a long winded story about how great the place is because there’s ac and heat and health insurance. Ended by blaming the employees for all the problems that make the place awful. They basically made it clear that there’s no company issues and we’d be retaliated against if we speak up. When in reality, they treat people like crap, lie to get people in the door saying overtime is minimal or voluntary but it’s really 7 days a week more often than not, there’s zero leadership, blatant favoritism, bullying and harassment. One of the best workers there, quit because they were tired of being bullied and manipulated by a lazy, whiny coworker and the supervisors wouldn’t do a thing about it. Fights among coworkers and petty meltdowns from leadership, the list…

An all shift meeting with hr at work because they “heard” someone called the place toxic. Started off with a long winded story about how great the place is because there’s ac and heat and health insurance. Ended by blaming the employees for all the problems that make the place awful. They basically made it clear that there’s no company issues and we’d be retaliated against if we speak up.

When in reality, they treat people like crap, lie to get people in the door saying overtime is minimal or voluntary but it’s really 7 days a week more often than not, there’s zero leadership, blatant favoritism, bullying and harassment. One of the best workers there, quit because they were tired of being bullied and manipulated by a lazy, whiny coworker and the supervisors wouldn’t do a thing about it. Fights among coworkers and petty meltdowns from leadership, the list is never ending. Most people quit before they’re done training. So far the record to beat is 2 hrs into their first shift, they walked out.

Why do we as a society let things like this happen? People are so complacent, “it’s always been this way” or “it will never change”. If they’re lucky they move on to somewhere else but it doesn’t make it any better for the next person taking their spot.

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