
HR causing the toxic environment

On mobile so sorry for poor formatting in advance. So we just hired on a new HR guy and he's causing work to be a nightmare. We are an industrial fabrication shop. Since this guy has been hired he has been going around while people are either on break or after they leave for the day and taking people's cell phone chargers, throwing out personal belongings. (E.g. our welders sunblock, drinks, etc etc…) and lately he has been going around to all of our fans and other devices cutting the cables to them if they're not grounded properly or the device is in an “unsuitable workspace”. He's not discussing these issues with us and coming to solutions, just acting like a tyrant when no one is around and then denying it when confronted. But he's been caught on camera multiple times. When asked why he took everyone's phone and tablet…

On mobile so sorry for poor formatting in advance.

So we just hired on a new HR guy and he's causing work to be a nightmare. We are an industrial fabrication shop. Since this guy has been hired he has been going around while people are either on break or after they leave for the day and taking people's cell phone chargers, throwing out personal belongings. (E.g. our welders sunblock, drinks, etc etc…) and lately he has been going around to all of our fans and other devices cutting the cables to them if they're not grounded properly or the device is in an “unsuitable workspace”. He's not discussing these issues with us and coming to solutions, just acting like a tyrant when no one is around and then denying it when confronted. But he's been caught on camera multiple times. When asked why he took everyone's phone and tablet chargers (issued by the company btw) he straight up denied it and said he doesn't know how they got in his desk.

It's the highest paying job I can find in the area and I'm supporting a family of four so I don't know what I can do if anything can be done. Any and all suggestions are welcomed. Thanks in advance.

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