
HR couldn’t give a crap about you. (long post)

I'm sorry it's so long. So we have a Karen that treats people like crap constantly. We work in a food production factory making food related products, and we have to be clean, but the way this went down is ridiculous. I'm going to post the emails I sent to HR, now mind you, I was trying to be a bit satirical at first, but then it got more and more serious. In the end, I got written up for sending the emails. Not for coming forward, but for sending it in email form, and they wrote me up specifically for threatening language. Also, after they wrote me up, she said that I can come to her with any issues that I have. I said, yeah, just not in email form. I'm going to post the emails down, but they are long. Y'all let me know wtf is going on.…

I'm sorry it's so long.

So we have a Karen that treats people like crap constantly. We work in a food production factory making food related products, and we have to be clean, but the way this went down is ridiculous.

I'm going to post the emails I sent to HR, now mind you, I was trying to be a bit satirical at first, but then it got more and more serious.

In the end, I got written up for sending the emails. Not for coming forward, but for sending it in email form, and they wrote me up specifically for threatening language. Also, after they wrote me up, she said that I can come to her with any issues that I have. I said, yeah, just not in email form. I'm going to post the emails down, but they are long. Y'all let me know wtf is going on.

Email 1 Saturday

Imagine you go to Wegmans and spend the little free time you have to buy food so you can stop eating fats and sugars everyday and you're thinking, what should I get that's quick to save my time to make it, and decent to eat. Ah! Deli sandwiches. That sounds decent for a week or 2.

   So you buy sourdough bread, some sliced black angus beef, spicy capicola (some nice gabagool), some genoa salami, and some cheese too. How about something sharp so you can taste it, so some gouda, and how about some muenster as well because it melts nice and easy in the microwave. 

   You're tired from the day before and you didn't get to make the sandwich for the following day so you wake up 15 minutes earlier than usual to get your sandwich built for the day. You head into work and put your sandwich and a bottle of kiwi flavored snapple in the refrigerator to stay safe until it's time to eat. You run around and take care of things and get everything set up for a hour and a half so you can go eat your gabagool sandwich that you spent time out of your life to make...

and Renee Powell threw your gabagool away. Don't forget the drink too. That's gone as well.
Why? because you didn't put a sticker on your food in the hour and a half since you've put your food in the cooler.

   This isn't the first time that she threw away my gabagool either. July 4th she threw away a container of gabagool and a container of sour cream that I brought to make some instant mashed potatoes with gabagool and sour cream. 

I am furious. I was furios then, and I am furious now. I am proper fuming.

   July 4th I know Renee herself threw my food away, and she apologized and offered to buy whatever I wanted (in good faith of course) out of the vending machines. Which is what I am trying to remove myself from, but I took her offer to buy a redbull in replacement. 

    I do not know if Renee personally threw my food away this time or if it was the cleaning lady whom I do not know her name, but I remember clearly a time when I was eating, and Renee brought the cleaning lady to the refrigerator and "taught" her how to clean the refrigerator and throw away things. She was "teaching" her in an absolutely condescending manner and tone almost like you would speak to a 5 year old when you are admonishing bad behavior. Renee's ignominy aside, I saw the visible uncomfortability of the cleaning lady during the whole process.

   Now, I don't know the relationship with the cleaning service personnel and Berry, but I can almost guarantee you that the cleaning lady absolutely doesn't want to throw away people's lunch meals from under their nose. What sane and rational person would want to throw away peoples food?

   Now the system of the saturday lunch stickers is clear to understand. Put the sticker on your lunch on Saturdays because the refrigerator gets cleaned then, otherwise your food would get thrown out during the cleaning process. The issue arises when rational judgement doesn't come into play. Who would throw away a clearly fresh sandwich in a clear ziplock bag sitting next to an unopened juice bottle? Also the bottle as well. Who cares that it is full and unopened.

   Maybe the fault is all mine by not putting the sticker on my food. Now the problem I have with that is that there are about 10 lunch containers in the refrigerator that do not have any sticker or marking at all that signify how long they have been in there. So why aren't all the lunch pails thrown away? Or do we open up the pails and throw away the food inside, but leave the pails? If my gabagool was in a pail would it have gotten thrown away? If not, then that means any one can leave anything in the refrigerator for an infinite amount of time as long as it's in a pail. 

   I believe the good does not outweigh the bad when it comes to throwing people's food away. There has to be a better system. Only recently have I seen any one actually make a concerted effort to throw away food, but it seems like mine is the only food that gets thrown away. Previously the break room would just be cleaned by whoever, and they would already know what has been sitting for long periods of time. I personally have gotten rid of many containers of rotten food and overall deleterious rubbish. The difference is, the people that clean on their own volition, have been looking at the stuff sitting there for a long time, and they use proper and rational judgment before dumping people's time and effort into the garbage. 

   I don't know if this is just a rant, or a complaint, or what, but I'm absolutely berserk over my time, effort, and food getting chucked out.

Email 2 Sunday

   So today the cleaning lady, I believe her name is Gleesha, threw away Ayesha's foor and her drink early in the morning. This sparked an appropriate response from Ayesha, which led me to speak to the cleaning lady about what is going on.

   Gleesha (I hope I'm getting her name right) told me that Renee regularly chastises her and pushes her to throw people's food away. Gleesha said that yesterday she sprayed the paper towels with cleaning solution, went in and wiped the refrigerators down and tried to not disturb anyone's food as she cleaned, and as soon as she was done, Renee came in and threw away whatever she wanted  including my clearly fresh sandwich and unopened juice. 

   Gleesha told me that Renee then later admonished her and told her to throw away people's food and stuff. Then later in the day, Gleesha's manager at Janitronics called her and further admonished her for not throwing away people's food as Renee instructed her to do. So she comes in today, and does as she is told, and Ayesha further admonishes her for performing the odious task. So she is getting it from all angles and she can not win no matter what she does.

   Very odious a task it is. Gleesha told me she feels extremely uncomfortable throwing away people's food and messing with their belongings. It seems to me that only Renee has no problem throwing people's time and money away. I can not think of any one that is in their right and sane mind that would willingly throw people's food away. And that is exactly what every meal throw away is. Someone's time, effort, and money. 

   I told Gleesha that I was there when Renee was "teaching" her how to throw people's food away and I saw how she was speaking to her like she is a lesser than child. In a condescending manner and tone. I asked her how often Renee speaks to her like that and Gleesha said she speaks to her like that every single time. Gleesha said that she is scared to say anything because she is scared to get fired. Renee could easily complain to Janitronics enough to get Gleesha fired, or pulled off the job here at Berry with loss of work.

   Gleesha also told me that she suspects that Renee threw away her Apple Air Pods out of the stock room in the break room. This is absolutely circumstantial, but it sure gets me wondering what happened to her missing Air Pods while Renee, all of a sudden out of nowhere, has developed a crusade against peoples stuff. 

   I believe that Renee has gone on a sort of holier than thou crusade against the people and she enjoys prosecuting the peasants and treating people like trash and as if people are lower than herself. I believe that she is leaning harder into these quality traits when she deals with the cleaning service people because they do not directly work for Berry. I believe she enjoys lording a sort of power over peoples heads. I believe that she is going to use cleanliness as a guise and a shield in order for her to perpetrate this new crusade to control the break room and cleaning personnel.

   I don't like what she is doing in the break room, but I absolutely don't like the way that she treats people and I am not the only one that thinks and feels this way, but I do not know how many people have spoken up about it. 

   There has to be a better system for cleaning the break room and keeping excess and unused food stuff out, while not throwing away people's things.

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