
HR department of my former employer totally ignoring my emails. Do I have a ‘right’ to any of this information?

I fairly recently walked out of my former job due to terrible work conditions and a really awful/abusive supervisor they had recently hired. I know they are mad at me as I was a veteran there and did A LOT for them and they didn’t have someone to immediately replace me. I have already found a new job and am looking to move on with my life but I did have a few questions for HR that I sent in an email. I wanted to know about the following: 1- I asked if I could see a copy of my hours for the days I worked during my final pay period. (I forgot to clock out on my final day but I know approximately when I left so I just wanted to make sure they didn’t try to change my hours & the hours I did work that day were…

I fairly recently walked out of my former job due to terrible work conditions and a really awful/abusive supervisor they had recently hired.

I know they are mad at me as I was a veteran there and did A LOT for them and they didn’t have someone to immediately replace me.

I have already found a new job and am looking to move on with my life but I did have a few questions for HR that I sent in an email.

I wanted to know about the following:

1- I asked if I could see a copy of my hours for the days I worked during my final pay period. (I forgot to clock out on my final day but I know approximately when I left so I just wanted to make sure they didn’t try to change my hours & the hours I did work that day were accounted for).

2- it’s been a few weeks since I left and I haven’t heard anything regarding continuing my health insurance through COBRA so I asked if they had any information on this.

3- there was a random payroll deduction for $10. I don’t know what this is for and on the statement it just says ‘miscellaneous’ so I asked if they could let me know what this is for.

Do I have a right to any of this information?

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