
HR help maybe?

so the job i work at has the worst management, it’s retail and we have to work on our own for 6 hours sometimes with 0 toilet breaks allowed, our rotas aren’t released until the saturday before we start monday, sometimes they get released the sunday. the manager has always been off with me, if we don’t make decent sales for that day we get treated like it’s our fault for not doing our job well enough. they have such strange policies, we sell expensive products and were given a form on how to wear our makeup (fenty beauty stunna paint and fenty beauty highlighter to be exact), how once a man leaves our store without buying a product we’ve ‘done our job incorrectly’, we have to memorise a bunch of backstory for how our product was created and the backstories of each products as well as being told exact…

so the job i work at has the worst management, it’s retail and we have to work on our own for 6 hours sometimes with 0 toilet breaks allowed, our rotas aren’t released until the saturday before we start monday, sometimes they get released the sunday. the manager has always been off with me, if we don’t make decent sales for that day we get treated like it’s our fault for not doing our job well enough. they have such strange policies, we sell expensive products and were given a form on how to wear our makeup (fenty beauty stunna paint and fenty beauty highlighter to be exact), how once a man leaves our store without buying a product we’ve ‘done our job incorrectly’, we have to memorise a bunch of backstory for how our product was created and the backstories of each products as well as being told exact phrases to say, they even put an exact joke we should make to the customers – just a lot of weird stuff to say i’m only getting paid £9 an hour (uk). when i work with one of the other girls we’ve been told we’re not allowed to talk to eachother as it ‘scares away customers’, we have to stand at opposite sides of the room and just clean the products. none of this is illegal i guess just kind of shit. because of all this especially the rota and how many meetings we had to have with the man who owns it saying the sales were disturbing and how it was our fault stressed me out so i asked what the notice period was to the boss but decided after a few days to try stick it out as my store manager explained she was gonna try resolve the situation. i told the boss i wasn’t leaving but for my shifts this week they’ve given me 0, i can’t really do anything as it’s a zero hour contract but it feels like they’re punishing me as they’ve been giving me less and less shifts since this happened – i only got 1 shift last week. she said it’s because they’re training new girls. ive been with this company for about 3 months – i really need the money but should i just quit it’s so draining

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