
HR is now involved. Have I been rehired?

This is a link to my previous post: I reached out to HR again last week (about my pay that has been withheld) and this morning I woke up to a brand new work schedule. In my email to HR I went into more detail and outlined everything that I had seen and heard during my employment. I made it clear that I had gone to the Labour board and they were beginning the process of investigating the company and my claims. Why are some employees (brand new) being paid more than staff that has been employed for a significant period of time? Why are they being paid more for doing the same work? Why are men on staff being paid more than women who occupy the same position? Why did the head boss tell staff that we are not allowed to discuss pay (against company policy apparently)? Why…

This is a link to my previous post:

I reached out to HR again last week (about my pay that has been withheld) and this morning I woke up to a brand new work schedule.

In my email to HR I went into more detail and outlined everything that I had seen and heard during my employment. I made it clear that I had gone to the Labour board and they were beginning the process of investigating the company and my claims.

Why are some employees (brand new) being paid more than staff that has been employed for a significant period of time? Why are they being paid more for doing the same work? Why are men on staff being paid more than women who occupy the same position?

Why did the head boss tell staff that we are not allowed to discuss pay (against company policy apparently)? Why did the same boss tell us that we are not allowed to contact HR without their permission? All concerns/complaints need to be run by the head boss before they can go to HR.

After sending that email to HR last week (did not receive a reply btw) I'm now back on the schedule. The questions that I laid out in my email to HR have still not been answered.

So now I'm waiting. I want to see how the Labour board handles this situation and if I recieve my pay that's been withheld.

Thank you for everyone that encouraged me in my last post. I've been a chronic people pleaser most of my life (working through it in therapy) and this is the first time that I've ever stood up for myself in a significant way.

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