
HR Question

I work in an environment where it’s supplemented by temporary contractors. There’s a few full time employees, but it’s mainly contractors. There are three shifts that overlap by 30-45 minutes as the shift changes, updates are given etc. The contractors are not managed by the supervisors, but by their agency that places them. That said, there is one contractor that is highly unprofessional in the following ways: takes 2 hour breaks while on the clock, is verbally aggressive to men and women, he shouted at the night supervisor “Look at me when I’m talking to you.” When I politely asked him to move so I could grab a needed item to complete my work task, he mimicked me and repeated what I said in a baby voice, a ‘Karen voice’ and many more. I looked at him like he was mentally unwell and he stopped. I don’t feel safe or…

I work in an environment where it’s supplemented by temporary contractors. There’s a few full time employees, but it’s mainly contractors.

There are three shifts that overlap by 30-45 minutes as the shift changes, updates are given etc. The contractors are not managed by the supervisors, but by their agency that places them.

That said, there is one contractor that is highly unprofessional in the following ways: takes 2 hour breaks while on the clock, is verbally aggressive to men and women, he shouted at the night supervisor “Look at me when I’m talking to you.”

When I politely asked him to move so I could grab a needed item to complete my work task, he mimicked me and repeated what I said in a baby voice, a ‘Karen voice’ and many more. I looked at him like he was mentally unwell and he stopped.

I don’t feel safe or comfortable around him. I have a very good sense about people and he’s a bad vibe. Not sure if I should tough it out until his contract is up and he leaves or if I should say something.

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