
HR showed their hands

About four months ago I got a new manager. Nice guy and knowledgeable but doesn't know much about the job he took, admittedly so. I knew I'd have to train him and I came to grips with that. Fast forward 2 months and he realizes I was too valuable to lose so he puts in a recommendation for a raise. He goes back and forth with HR and finally gives me their final offer of Zero. “You're already capped out.” Essentially I've reached my end of shelf life for this particular company despite the fact that I'm still training their guy. I've spent the last two months legitimizing my own side business, gaining clients and setting up a company website etc, etc. I'm handing in my resignation on Thursday. Just wanted to share with like minded individuals. Long live the resistance.

About four months ago I got a new manager. Nice guy and knowledgeable but doesn't know much about the job he took, admittedly so. I knew I'd have to train him and I came to grips with that.

Fast forward 2 months and he realizes I was too valuable to lose so he puts in a recommendation for a raise. He goes back and forth with HR and finally gives me their final offer of Zero. “You're already capped out.” Essentially I've reached my end of shelf life for this particular company despite the fact that I'm still training their guy.

I've spent the last two months legitimizing my own side business, gaining clients and setting up a company website etc, etc. I'm handing in my resignation on Thursday. Just wanted to share with like minded individuals. Long live the resistance.

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