
HR told me I’m getting paid too much

I'm looking for some advice. I stepped down from being a full time manager to a part time supervisor with my company back in January. I felt that this was a better move for me because the hours were long and the upper management was very difficult to work with. The part time schedule was far better for my work life balance. This was going pretty well until a few hours ago when the HR manager called me and told me she had some bad news for me. She said that the job offer I had initially signed showed my salary was incorrect. They said that the salary was over by about $10,000 annually and that I will need to sign a new offer to show the adjusted decrease and I would also need to pay back all the “extra” money I was paid since January. I was absolutely floored…

I'm looking for some advice. I stepped down from being a full time manager to a part time supervisor with my company back in January. I felt that this was a better move for me because the hours were long and the upper management was very difficult to work with. The part time schedule was far better for my work life balance. This was going pretty well until a few hours ago when the HR manager called me and told me she had some bad news for me. She said that the job offer I had initially signed showed my salary was incorrect. They said that the salary was over by about $10,000 annually and that I will need to sign a new offer to show the adjusted decrease and I would also need to pay back all the “extra” money I was paid since January.

I was absolutely floored and asked what my options were, to which she replied; sign the offer or go back to my old department and become full time again or I could just leave the company.

Is this even legal? What would happen if I tried to hold them to the original job offer that we all signed? Should I try to take this to an attorney?

For reference: This is in America and the company is one of the major airlines.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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