
HUGE win for fired Starbucks union organizer

My cousin, Hannah, was fired from her Starbucks location in downtown Ann Arbor, MI months ago for being a union organizer for her store. She sued for wrongful termination, and just got the ruling back: she won! The court is also holding Starbucks responsible for ALL of her lost wages during that time off as well as any bills she may have missed or been late for as a result of her termination. The district manager for her store as well as some corporate folks are required to have a meeting with her and admit that they were wrong. A glorious outcome indeed. Just wanted to share some good news with my fellow comrades!

My cousin, Hannah, was fired from her Starbucks location in downtown Ann Arbor, MI months ago for being a union organizer for her store. She sued for wrongful termination, and just got the ruling back: she won! The court is also holding Starbucks responsible for ALL of her lost wages during that time off as well as any bills she may have missed or been late for as a result of her termination. The district manager for her store as well as some corporate folks are required to have a meeting with her and admit that they were wrong. A glorious outcome indeed.

Just wanted to share some good news with my fellow comrades!

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