

I wasn't born with this divine earth suit full of sensors, meant for savoring physical reality, to spend my life locked away and wasting away the use of said sensors just to enable someone else to experience the delights of this magnificent earth. I did not bear human beings so that they too can sacrifice their entire reality for others. I did not raise humans for the pleasure of others at the cost of theirs. I was born to live. I was born to roam free and one day die free. I was born to love, be in community, and work only for the ones I love. I was born to model this life for my loved ones and see them flourish as the sacred beings that they are.

I wasn't born with this divine earth suit full of sensors, meant for savoring physical reality, to spend my life locked away and wasting away the use of said sensors just to enable someone else to experience the delights of this magnificent earth.

I did not bear human beings so that they too can sacrifice their entire reality for others. I did not raise humans for the pleasure of others at the cost of theirs.

I was born to live. I was born to roam free and one day die free. I was born to love, be in community, and work only for the ones I love. I was born to model this life for my loved ones and see them flourish as the sacred beings that they are.

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