
“Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and shelter to survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.”

I don’t understand living in this world why these is alone is such a struggle to obtain. as I’m in my late twenties what success to me is has changed .. I just want a place of my own, being able to take care of myself, pay my own bills & help family and others. Why is it so hard to even take care/provide for oneself? I don’t understand this reality. I don’t understand as a collective as humans this is something that’s a constant struggle on earth. To be brought into this existence is scam of inevitable suffering to try enjoy/endure this life you never asked for reason why I don’t want children there’s no way around this suffering of this reality that has been tainted and exploited I want to feel joy again, I want to be able to say I love living this life … but I…

I don’t understand living in this world why these is alone is such a struggle to obtain. as I’m in my late twenties what success to me is has changed .. I just want a place of my own, being able to take care of myself, pay my own bills & help family and others. Why is it so hard to even take care/provide for oneself?

I don’t understand this reality. I don’t understand as a collective as humans this is something that’s a constant struggle on earth. To be brought into this existence is scam of inevitable suffering to try enjoy/endure this life you never asked for reason why I don’t want children there’s no way around this suffering of this reality that has been tainted and exploited

I want to feel joy again, I want to be able to say I love living this life … but I can’t fake it I see the reality around me and I don’t care to live long I just keep going to try to better my life as my days unfold without my say. I’ve thought of checking out but after deep searching I know death will come inevitably so might as well keep going i realize I don’t hate myself Im just disgusted how this life is set up and how its been like this long before me and will continue to be long after I’m gone

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