
Husband at risk of termination for being 3 mins late but coworker caught jerking off by another coworker still employed

My husband’s workplace uses a point system for attendance (1 point for calling off for any reason and .5 point for being late). Once you hit 10 points, you’re subject to termination. I’m going through a very difficult pregnancy and care for a toddler, so he has accrued a lot of points in order to help me or for being sick himself. On Tuesday, he was 3 minutes late because there was construction, the parking lot was full, and it takes 5-10 mins to get to the time clock from the regular parking lot as it is. He would’ve been on time had he not hit construction. He has a meeting with HR today, I assume in order to be terminated as his manager wouldn’t excuse him. His manager said he could ‘plead his case,’ but I don’t see how that will end in his favor. He was supposed to…

My husband’s workplace uses a point system for attendance (1 point for calling off for any reason and .5 point for being late). Once you hit 10 points, you’re subject to termination. I’m going through a very difficult pregnancy and care for a toddler, so he has accrued a lot of points in order to help me or for being sick himself. On Tuesday, he was 3 minutes late because there was construction, the parking lot was full, and it takes 5-10 mins to get to the time clock from the regular parking lot as it is. He would’ve been on time had he not hit construction. He has a meeting with HR today, I assume in order to be terminated as his manager wouldn’t excuse him. His manager said he could ‘plead his case,’ but I don’t see how that will end in his favor. He was supposed to meet with them yesterday, but I guess HR had left already (he works 4:15 pm-2:45 am) so he just worked his regular shift.
ANYWAY. Sorry for rambling. A coworker of his was in her car eating lunch the other day. She looked out of her window and saw yet a coworker jerking off while staring at her. She was eating with someone else so she had a witness. Someone convinced her to report this to HR, but she was informed that no disciplinary action would be taken until they had received 3 reports about him.
I don’t understand how a company can fire someone for being a few minutes late (as their last .5 point) but keep an employee who jerked off in front of another on their property.

TL;DR My husband is likely being terminated for attendance (being 3 mins late as last straw), but another employee wasn’t fired for jerking off in front of someone else on work property. Make it make sense.

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