
husband’s boss keeps texting his work phone when he’s off the clock

My husband is an hourly employee for a certain blue big box store. He is NOT a manager but has been there so long that when the department manager isn't there the assistant manager goes to him and treats him as though the dept. Responsibilities fall to him. He's not paid a Manager's hourly pay, nothing. My husband's days off are opposite of when the dept Manager's are. The ass. Mgr. Has recently gotten into the habit of texting my husband on his work phone (company issued) the night before my husband is to o back into work with all the things she's expecting him to get done the next day including the other employees who beat in mind my husband has no power over. It's really starting to stress my husband out to the point that I am strongly debating taking his phone the next time she does it…

My husband is an hourly employee for a certain blue big box store. He is NOT a manager but has been there so long that when the department manager isn't there the assistant manager goes to him and treats him as though the dept. Responsibilities fall to him. He's not paid a Manager's hourly pay, nothing. My husband's days off are opposite of when the dept Manager's are. The ass. Mgr. Has recently gotten into the habit of texting my husband on his work phone (company issued) the night before my husband is to o back into work with all the things she's expecting him to get done the next day including the other employees who beat in mind my husband has no power over. It's really starting to stress my husband out to the point that I am strongly debating taking his phone the next time she does it and responding as if I am him and saying that “I am not on the clock. I am an hourly associate not salaried. If you intend to keep texting me at home on my days off about work related issues then I expect to have my time adjusted to reflect that and be paid for it otherwise I will screen capture these messages and send them to Home office.” But if I do I KNOW this manager will retaliate by making his life at work a living hell.

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