
Husband’s company is covering up lay offs as underperforming employees with impossible to meet performance improvement plans. He was let go about two weeks ago and HR still hasn’t set the paperwork.

Genuinely dont know where to go from here. They refused to put most of this in writing. His manager saw he was going to meet the metrics of this insane PIP and he said “don't waste your energy where it's not productive.” which we took to mean you're getting fired no matter what, so start applying elsewhere. This has happened to 8 people that we know of this month. HR Called him into a meeting on Tuesday the 18th and said sorry youre out, you'll get two weeks severance and paid out for 5 PTO days. We'll send the paperwork for you to review… except.. they didn't. Apparently HR has “an open ticket and will reach out soon” but radio silence. We've called them and they wont help. Lives and FT wfh in CT. Anyone have any advice? Is this legal? Can we complain to NLRB?

Genuinely dont know where to go from here. They refused to put most of this in writing. His manager saw he was going to meet the metrics of this insane PIP and he said “don't waste your energy where it's not productive.” which we took to mean you're getting fired no matter what, so start applying elsewhere. This has happened to 8 people that we know of this month.

HR Called him into a meeting on Tuesday the 18th and said sorry youre out, you'll get two weeks severance and paid out for 5 PTO days. We'll send the paperwork for you to review… except.. they didn't. Apparently HR has “an open ticket and will reach out soon” but radio silence. We've called them and they wont help.

Lives and FT wfh in CT. Anyone have any advice? Is this legal? Can we complain to NLRB?

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