
‘Hustle’ culture/‘Passive Income’ streams: if I never see another word about either topic I would be ecstatic.

All the articles, and YouTube ads, emails…I’m so sick of it! Especially because they have the one in a million stories like this one It’s so demoralizing. Even worse are the ‘101 Best Side Hustles to Make $25 Million a Week!!’ articles that mention shit like…doing online surveys and renting your garage out! I am so tired of every website being inundated with this mess.

All the articles, and YouTube ads, emails…I’m so sick of it! Especially because they have the one in a million stories like this one

It’s so demoralizing. Even worse are the ‘101 Best Side Hustles to Make $25 Million a Week!!’ articles that mention shit like…doing online surveys and renting your garage out!

I am so tired of every website being inundated with this mess.

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