
I (17f) was demanded to come into work after contacting my manager the wrong way

A few days ago, I 17f wasn't feeling well due to having unbearable menstrual cramps to the point where I had to leave school. Later on that day, I had work and I was planning on not going due to my cramps. I had no idea what my new manager phone number was, so instead of calling her, on this employee app where you clock in and out and where schedules are posted, I had messaged her 5 hours in advance that I won't be showing up to work, and also asking my co-workers if anyone could cover my shift for me. At first I thought it would be okay to leave my manager a message and not show up at work, because with my old manager that was totally acceptable rather than calling. Also, if i'm not feeling well there is nothing that I can do about it, so…

A few days ago, I 17f wasn't feeling well due to having unbearable menstrual cramps to the point where I had to leave school. Later on that day, I had work and I was planning on not going due to my cramps. I had no idea what my new manager phone number was, so instead of calling her, on this employee app where you clock in and out and where schedules are posted, I had messaged her 5 hours in advance that I won't be showing up to work, and also asking my co-workers if anyone could cover my shift for me. At first I thought it would be okay to leave my manager a message and not show up at work, because with my old manager that was totally acceptable rather than calling. Also, if i'm not feeling well there is nothing that I can do about it, so I mind as well stay at home.

A few hours later, I was in bed sleeping until I got a random phone call. At first, I didn't know who it was so I declined, but then I got a text message saying “You need to pick up the phone call.” When I picked up, my manager asked me “Where are you, why are you not at work, and that your new co-worker is all alone.” I told my manager that I couldn't make it to work because I wasn't feeling well and that I had messaged her 5 hours in advance. Then she proceeds to say, “I emailed you about the sick policy.” At first I had no idea what she was talking about because I didn't know whether or not if I got the email. Later, when my sister forward the email to me, I realized that I had got the email sent to me, it was titled “Introduction to the new manager.” When I read this email, I skimmed through it and deleted it after since I thought it wasn't important. I had no idea that this was an important email with her phone number and a new policy. If I were to just call my manager rather then messaging her, she would of found someone to cover my shift for me and everything would be fine. My manager had demanded that I come into work immediately despite not feeling well.

After the phone call with my new manager, I was freaking out since I was a mess. I wasn't feeling well and I had to be at work in an hour. I told my my mom about the whole situation and that I don't want to go to work but that I already had told my manager that I'll be there. My mom then gets pissed off at my manager and goes ahead and call her and go off at her for her demanding that I come into work when I'm in pain. While my mom was on the phone with my manager, my manager explains to my mom that there was a sick policy and I was supposed to call her rather than text her. After the phone call, my mom starts screaming at me for not being responsible and knowing better.

I anyway had showed up to work looking like a hot mess while trying my hardest not to cry after getting into a vicious fight with my mom and being forced to come into work. When I got to work, my manager was there. She ended up apologizing and having a talk with me, telling me about how she wants me to call her rather than message her on that employee app since she doesn't always check her messages.

It pissess me of how I was forced to come into work despite not feeling well and not being being able to get someone to cover my shift for me. Personally, I find it dumb how I have to contact her a certain way, like I didn't even know I had to contact her a certain way by calling rather than messaging her. I would quit this job after not being treated well, however, when I told my mom that I wanted to quit, she replied “YOU ARE NOT QUITTING THIS JOB!!!”

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