
I agree and love this subreddit but….

Story time. I had a new guy start at my work. got into one of the more “laid back” positions. Something that should be reserved for more “veteran” workers. (I work in that dept, we are a factory for context) While we tried to teach him about the area where the things we make go, he started up with, “oh if I ever have to work in that dept I'll quit on the spot!” And “I've done that stuff before and it's boring. I know it all already!” When I started, I worked in that department. I learned what I could and was being pressured into being a team lead for it! If you never started there, we have no idea how good/bad you are. Saying you'd have it under control doesn't mean shit in the real world! While you may know how other places work, you don't know this…

Story time.
I had a new guy start at my work. got into one of the more “laid back” positions. Something that should be reserved for more “veteran” workers. (I work in that dept, we are a factory for context)

While we tried to teach him about the area where the things we make go, he started up with, “oh if I ever have to work in that dept I'll quit on the spot!” And “I've done that stuff before and it's boring. I know it all already!”

When I started, I worked in that department. I learned what I could and was being pressured into being a team lead for it! If you never started there, we have no idea how good/bad you are. Saying you'd have it under control doesn't mean shit in the real world!

While you may know how other places work, you don't know this specific place. You'll need to be shown everything, it'll need to be repeated to you so you retain and understand it. Not every place is the same and no job is 100% equal to another.

All I'm trying to say is, don't take the first 2 days as what the workplace is like. Give it 3 months or so to really see how your job is, how people around you describe other jobs, and how the people working those jobs describe them.

For factory jobs, there can be a huge difference between how the office and floor workers describe a job. And especially department to department
People love to talk, and especially love to talk shit about each other.

For some reason there's a, “I need to be better than anyone else” mentality. And fair warning, the people that think like that are usually some of the worst workers. If someone won't share their “tricks” or “tips” to doing better, avoid them. Their human garbage that only think about themselves and don't care about you.

Or, ask them to help a lot. Watch them intently and learn their secrets, as well as always ask questions. Especially to maintenance and people in technical support areas. The better rep with them, a) they help you first, b) you can sometimes help yourself first and C) it opens up opportunities for you to become that tech support, which is definitely worth more than any other job

Don't just wait for better opportunities, help yourself to acquire them.

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